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Rules and Rights

Rules and Rights - Cyprus


1. Theoretical Part

Three classes were involved. Students had the chance to participate in several activities concerning rules and rights inside and outside school. Moreover, they worked in tasks concerning safe driving of a bicycle.

a. Traffic signs

Students had a lesson about the traffic signs.

b. Pedestrian crossing

Students learnt how to use a pedestrian crossing with the help of a traffic policewoman.

c. The parts of a bicycle

Students studied and drew the several parts of a bicycle.

d. Posters

Students created posters about the safe driving of a bicycle.

e. Questionnaires

Students completed 3 questionnaires (French school sent them to everyone) about what they learnt during the theoretical part.

f. 5 Rules and 5 Rights

Students participated in a debate with the subject: The most important rules and rights that students should follow (rules) and enjoy (rights).


- Have all your things ready to work properly.
- Raise your hand before speaking and respect others.
- Keep the place you live clean and safe.
- Work together and help each other.
- Collaborate effectively with others.


- We have the right to engage in every subject.
- We have the right to be appreciated.
- We have the right to be educated (study).
- We have the right to have our own identity.
- We have the right to be love and cared.


2. Practical Part.

European Cycle Driver License

A specialized policeman talked to students about safe driving of a bicycle. After this, students of the three classes had the chance to participate in a practical exam of what they learnt during their lessons. They brought their bicycle at school and had a ten-steps test. After the test they were given a certificate with the title "European Cycle Driver License''.