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Energy Heroes

Energy Heroes - Cyprus


First action: Recycle of batteries and plastic caps

1. Recycle of batteries

Firstly, students were informed about recycling batteries and how much important this is. Secondly, they started bringing batteries from their home. They weight the batteries they bring and make a competition between the classes of the school. 

2. Recycle of plastic caps

Our school participates to a competition between the schools of Cyprus about collecting and recycling plastic caps. During the first collection our school gathered 200 kg of caps.


Second action: Litter picking and recycling

1. Discussion about litter

Students discussed with their teachers about the litter that they see at their school, neighborhood and city and decided to do something about this problem.

2. Preparation of the adoption of an area

Students contacted with the municipality of our city in order to organize a day out of school to clean a dirty area of their city, for example a forest, a park, a beach, a neighborhood etc. The municipality gave permission for the action and promised to help by providing the materials needed, for example gloves, bags etc.

3. Litter picking day

The students of 4th Class realized a cleaning day during the school time. They gathered a lot of litter (they filled 15 big plastic bags of litter) and realized that we have a big problem with it. They informed the rest of the students of the school and decided to make more activities to help the environment and create a better place to live. Finally, they decided to promote recycle at home and at school.

4. Cleaning a park – Adopting a park

The students of 3rd class cleaned a park of their city with the cooperation of the municipality.  After this, they selected and separated the litter and realized that they can recycle much of the litter. So they decided to promote recycling. Students ‘adopted’ this area so they feel responsible for this. They take care of this area and they go several times to clean again, play with their friends etc. The whole action was organized by the students’ council.

5. Visiting a recycling factory

The students of 6th class arranged a visit at a recycling factory. In the end they decided to put recycling boxes at every class of the school in order to recycle more.


Third action: A poster about saving energy

1. Creating a banner about recycle

The students of 5th class created a big banner about recycle and put it at the yard of the school so everyone can see it.

2. Recycling boxes in every class

Students decided to put recycling boxes at every class of the school in order to recycle more.

3. Drawing pictures and making puppets

Students drew pictures and posters with eco messages and created their own puppets with old and reusable materials.

4. Eco Code: The action finishes with the students writing an Eco Code concerning recycling. The code was presented at the school and put in each class.